Monday 17 October 2016

P2- Different Types of Computer Games

Genres of different games


The action games is a genre that emphasises physical challenges, including hand-eye coordination and reaction time. the player must have good reflexes and quick reactions to overcome challenges in the game. For example, Batman Arkham Asylum


Sport games require physical activities and involves competition such as in football, basketball, baseball etc. Players will have to plan strategically in order to gain points from the game. For example Football Manager 2016.


Adventure games allow the player to solve problems and puzzles in the game. They are characterised by common lack of reflex-based gameplay, though they may feature some segments occasionally. For example Rise of the Tomb Raider.

Viral Marketing

An effective way to spread enthusiasm about a product through games. Viral marketing games are becoming popular. These include game contests which allow the user to play a game online with a free product as a prize. At the end of the game the player is re-directed to the product site. Examples of viral marketing games are Mario Kart 8.


A management simulation game is a game in which players make decision is a simulated environment. Management is known as a business game and operational game. Examples of management games are Passport to paradise and Metal Gear Solid 5


Educational games is designed to educate the player in an area such as spelling/maths . Educational games are intended for younger children, are made to be fun and education while improving your skills. Examples of educational games are Brain Challenge.


Strategy games emphasises problem-solving. Thinking and planning are important components of strategy games as well as decision making. Some examples of strategy games are Plague Inc and Battleship.

Role Playing

The player develops special abilities such as inventory, wealth, or combat statistics as the game progresses through the story mode. Examples of role play games are Fall out 4.


Simulation games are created with the goal of putting the player in control of a certain activity while attempting to make the game as realistic as possible. Examples of simulation games are Cities Skylines.

Tuesday 11 October 2016

P3-Designing Computer Games

Unit 22: Developing Computer Games

My game is called : Pac-Man
My game has one player, 4 enemies and a background.


Player- A yellow circular head with a mouth that eats dots to gain points. So you just move it up, down, left and right to eat the dots and evade the ghost. The player has 3 lives, so if it gets caught by the ghosts 3 times, then the game will restart.

 Move- Up, down, left, right

Eat dots to gain points
Eat fruits to gain lots of points.
Eat power pellets to gain point and be able to eat the ghost and gain points.

 Enemies- 4 different colored ghosts that chase the player and try to catch it, before the player eats all the dots.  Blue maze that stops player when they reach it, unless they move in a different direction.

Chase the player
Player caught and game over

Blue maze is still and stops player from keep moving when it reaches the wall, unless the player change direction.

 Background- Simple black colored background.

 No action

Friday 23 September 2016

P1- Explain the impact of computer games on society

Computer games has lots of impact on our society, however there are both advantages and disadvantages.
The disadvantages would be that there would be:

  1. Social Isolation
  2. Excess playing time
  3. Concerns
  4. Cost
  5. Separation from reality
  6. Education

(1) The social isolation would lead to the gamer having less friends and less people to talk to, which can easily lead to depression for certain people. There are also games where you would socially be interacting with people such as the Sims, which would take over your need to communicate with others face to face. Also with these type of social games, it would take away the purpose of you to go out, so there will be some people who are capable of staying home the WHOLE day, and just play and feed themselves which is really unhealthy for them.

(2) The excess playing time could lead to the game consuming you, and taking all of your free time. Therefore, you would be busy with the game and have less time for reality which include work, friends, family and sports. Nowadays most single player game would take approximately 8-10 hours to complete which is quite decent unless you aim to finish the game all in one go. However, there are some MMORPG games which can literally consume all your free time as you can spend as much as 100 hours if wanted, as there aren't any limit, and you can always improve in that role playing game. This can be very bad especially for the busy type of people who haven't got the free time to hang around and play games as much as they want.

(3) There are concerns from others such as parents, teachers etc, because there are lots of games nowadays that encourage violence, such as Call Of Duty, Warhammer 40,000 DeathWatch and many others. These would encourage children to be more violent which would create problems for them and others, like they might start getting into fights in school etc. There are also games such as 'Bully', which directly show how the victim should defend themselves against the bullies, however there are others saying that this is just the player turning into the bully.

(4) Games nowadays are beginning to become more and more expensive, therefore its the parents who will have to pay up for them when they can simply just play outside for free. Although £40 games can be expensive for certain parents, its the price of the console which is really costly, such as PS4 which used to be around £300.