Tuesday, 11 October 2016

P3-Designing Computer Games

Unit 22: Developing Computer Games

My game is called : Pac-Man
My game has one player, 4 enemies and a background.


Player- A yellow circular head with a mouth that eats dots to gain points. So you just move it up, down, left and right to eat the dots and evade the ghost. The player has 3 lives, so if it gets caught by the ghosts 3 times, then the game will restart.

 Move- Up, down, left, right

Eat dots to gain points
Eat fruits to gain lots of points.
Eat power pellets to gain point and be able to eat the ghost and gain points.

 Enemies- 4 different colored ghosts that chase the player and try to catch it, before the player eats all the dots.  Blue maze that stops player when they reach it, unless they move in a different direction.

Chase the player
Player caught and game over

Blue maze is still and stops player from keep moving when it reaches the wall, unless the player change direction.

 Background- Simple black colored background.

 No action

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